Xavier and Blue's WebPage


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About Me


Well, Mommy say's this is the page where we tell everyone about ME!
Well, my name is Xavier and I just turned 3 years old. I'm as cute as a button Mommy say's! Who wouldn't agree?
Mommy, Daddy, Granny and Papa say I'm the best behaved child that they've ever seen. Mommy say's that I'm so well behaved with other children and that I share my toy's so well, especially with my best friend Alex. Mommy just told me also that she will be introducing me to another kid my age who lives near by. That would be so great! She just turned 2 1/2 and you know what? I don't care if she's a girl. I don't beleive in cooties yet!


I'm really good at counting and my ABC's. Mommy and Daddy are very proud of me! I also know how to use Daddies computer all by myself. I love to play my Blue's Clue's ABC's computer game all the time. If I'm not inside I love going to my green park which is really close to our house. I also love going for nature walk's with Mommy and Daddy. They let me run and have fun. I love looking at the big green tree's and I love playing with the stick's and leaves. Once we even got really close to a deer that was kneeling down in the grass. It was amazing to see it get up and walk off. It was such a big deer! I love animal's!






Here's A List Of My Favorite Things

My Favorite Movies & TV Shows:

*All Blue's Clue's Movies
*RugRat Movie's
*Bear In The Big Blue House
*Winnie The Poo

Favorite Songs:

*The Wheel's On The Bus
*All Blue's Clue's Song's (Especially The Mail Song and Now It's Time For So Long Song
*Any Song Mommy or Daddy Make Up (Their So Funny)
*Mommies Dance Music (Mommy let's me stand on her chair and I dance with her)

My Favorite Book's:

*Blue's Clue's
*Winnie The Poo

My Favorite Toy's:

*Toy Cars & Trucks
*Blue's Clues Toy's & Games
*Daddy's Computer
*Train Set

Favorite Place's To Visit:

*Granny & Papa's House
*Granny & Johnny's House
*The Green Park
*Any Animal Store

Favorite Thing's To Do With Mommy & Daddy:

*Nature Trail Walks
*Dancing With Mommy
*Playing Computer With Daddy
*Crafts With Mommy
*Going To The Park
*Watching Movies
*Help Make Food

Favorite Food & Drinks:

*Cheeseburger & Fries
*Apple Juice
*Chocolate Milk