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Xavier and Blue's WebPage




Hi Everyone! My name is Xavier and I am 3 years old!
Just to let you know, my Mommy is helping me put together this webpage, but soon enough I'll be making one on my own.

Blue's Clue's is my most favorite T.V. show. My Mommy and Daddy buy the Blue's Clue's movies so I watch it at anytime. I wish I could watch it all the time..I just can't seem to get enough. I do like other character's, but there is no one better than Blue!
I know for Christmas I'll be asking for more Blue's Clue's toy's. Last year Mommy, Daddy, Granny and Papa went crazy with buying me toy's. I was so worn out halfway through opening my gifts. Whooo..just thinking about it!
Hopefully Papa will be buying me that "RED CAR." He know's the one I'm talking about! Mommy and Daddy will be sure to take pictures, so I'll make sure Mommy post's some on here of me and everyone else. Hey, maybe I can even post some of my favorite pet's. Ya!


What's New You Ask? Well I'll tell You!

Hey! Well, here's something new! Mommy and me are giving out a Blue's Clue's award to anyone with a Blue's Clue's WebSite that can make me happy! E-Mail me with your name, site name, url and a little description of your site!
We'll let you know soon if you get the award. We also added
a Blue's Clue's webring and if you'd like, please join it.
Remember no one with any yucky pictures or language will get the award or be able to join the ring.



I know that I have quite alot of stuff on this page, but I want to share with everyone as much as possible. So please feel free to scroll down all the way to enjoy this page fully!


Want to earn an award for your site? Well, if so, send me an e-mail with Award Request in the Subject and include your name/username, your Site URL, and a brief description of your site! I will NOT give an award to a site with prophanity, porn or anything of that matter. Your site doesn't have to be about Blue's Clue's, but it does have to be child orintated. I look forward to hearing from you all!

(I will post the award very soon..a friend of mine is fixing it up for me..Thanx for understanding)

A door; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Blue Say's Hi..Come On In!

Xavier's Poll Question of the Week
How old are you?


Current Results

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Hey Everyone! Feel like joining Xavier and Blue's WebRing?
If so, please fill in the form below with you name, your
e-mail and in the comment section please include your URL,
The name of the site and a brief description about it.
To join your web page should be about Blue's Clue's, but if your site has alot of fun and entertaining stuff that will make me laugh then I will add you to the ring.
No site's with any pornography or anything offensive will be accepted. Only children oriantated pages! I look forward to hearing from you!

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Xavier and Blue
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Xavier's WebPage Awards






Doll's Made Especially For Xavier's Site

(If you would like one of your own, please click on the doll. Please do not steal them. They are a one of a kind made for my son.)





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Please Read: All Images and Character's names associated with Blue's Clues are the property of and copyright of Viacom and Nickelodeon. I maintain this page solely for my son Xavier, who loves this wonderful show.